Monday, April 27, 2009

Obstacle Course Challenge

In this challenge I need to make my robot use all of its sensors such as sound, light, ultrasonic, and touch to complete the obstacle courses which contain 6 steps. First start with a clap(sound sensor), second stop 5 sec in the box, third bump into the pillar and turn right (touch sensor), fourth sense the wall and turn right (ultrasonic sensor), fifth avoid object(ultrasonic sensor), sixth stop after the line.


  1. Good job planning your obstacle course. I recommend you use a light sensor on the second step though when your robot stops in the box so that you can be more accurate as to where the robot will stop. Good luck

  2. I think your planning is good, but not perfect yet. I wonder, how are you going to make your robot to stop in the box (2nd one). I will recommend you to use light sensor, so that the light sensor will detect the black line, and makes the robot to stop. In addition, I am feeling ambiguous about last one. How are you going to make the robot to stop, after the line. Again, I will recommend you to use light sensor, for same reason of 2nd one.

    Good LUCK!!!

  3. You may want to be more specific about how you will overcome each step of the challenge. What sensors will you use? What considerations do you have regarding the construction of your bot?
