Monday, April 27, 2009

Chapter 11 and 12

These chapters are about loop blocks and switch blocks. Loop blocks is a block that can't really do much if it is alone accept when you are combining it with other commands. Now I will tell you how to use a loop block to use a loop block you first drag the loop block into the program and then drag the commands into the loop so that the program can repeat itself. Then if you look at the bottom of the loop box setting you can see that you have 5 choices such as loop forever, loop sensor which means when a sensor comes in contact, loop in amount of time, loop count, loop logic. Chapter 12 is about switch blocks they are blocks that command the robot to do one task only and that is if something happens or not but also can do two commands. By doing more than two commands you must unselected the flat view box and that allows you to do 2 commands.

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