Tuesday, February 17, 2009

“Movin' and Making Turns”

In the past week in robotics class we have finished two labs measured turns, and right face. In the lab right face we learn t the differences between swing turn and a point turn. A swing turn is when one wheel is in motion or spinning while the other wheel is not, but a point turn is when one wheel moves forward and the other reverse or moves backward creating a efficient and faster turn. In the lab measured turns we learned how to get the robot to turn a certain amount of degrees by setting a ratio of the circumference of the circle and the circumference of the wheel. for homework I read chapter 4 which is all about the move block. Move block can control more than one motor at a time. This makes the turns when a robot moving forward easier. Move block as a disadvantage it cant do a very good swing turn. But it is easy to put one block than two move blocks. I hope to accomplish the Circuit race.

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